Saturday 20 May 2017


What a week!. We have had a very busy week in Nursery. In P.E. we carried on practising our Teddy Bear's Picnic May Dance. The children are following really well, so hopefully our performance for you next week will make you proud.

Theo and Ola's favourite part of the week this week was taking photographs of the Teddy Bears. The children did well trying to get the Teddy Bear's face in the picture and pushing down hard on the button. We are hoping to use them for our David Hockney work next week.

We were very impressed with the children's drawing and painting skills this week. We challenged the children to draw and then paint with watercolours some Winnie-the Pooh characters. Nehan looked really carefully at Winnie-the-Pooh to draw the shapes and Lydia added Eeyore's bow for detail on her picture.

The children had a great time at Aldenham Country Park, despite the wet weather. They enjoyed finding the Winnie-the-Pooh characters' houses and running through the buttercups in 100 Aker Wood. We saw lots of animals at the farm including cows, rabbits, guinea pigs, sheep, donkeys and horses. We all had a photo taken on the tractor. At lunchtime Winnie-the-Pooh came to see us and some of us enjoyed giving him a big hug. We all enjoyed jumping in the muddy puddles and running throught the mud. Thank you to all the parents who helped and braved the wet weather.

On Friday we made sandwiches for our picnic. We could put jam or honey in and then cut the sandwiches into different shapes. The weather wasn't on our side so we used Treetops and had an indoor picnic with the bears.

Next week our sound of the week is 'v' and we will be learning some rhymes about bears.

Afternoon Nursery will be performing the May Dance at the Community Tea on Thursday afternoon.
Morning Nursery will be performing at the May King and Queen Celebrations on Friday morning.
If your child is in Treetops on a Thursday afternoon, they will also be performing at the Community Tea.


  1. Had an absolutely fantastic week... Loved all the activities we did at school, especially our Teddy Bears' picnic.

    And despite the rain, I felt the children had a brilliant time splashing in puddles. Brilliant.
