Saturday 24 September 2016

Brilliant Books!

We have had another enjoyable week in Nursery and have really enjoyed reading Each Peach Pear Plum, joining in with the phrases and trying to find the characters in the pictures. The teachers have enjoyed hearing all about our favourite books and why we like them. Thank you for sending in the fantastic photos.

We have been learning how to look after the toys and equipment in the Nursery and the outside areas. We have been learning about how to tidy away the toys and what to do in the different areas. We are looking forward to exploring them more.

The children have loved exploring the new sandpit and moving the diggers and trucks. The sand grabbers have been great for our motor control and we have enjoyed ‘digging up the road.’ Some of us have just enjoyed feeling the sand between our toes and have loved jumping up and down in it. We need more practise with putting on our socks and shoes when we have finished. Please could you practise this at home.

We loved having Kathryn Holt in telling us the story of the Lion and the Mouse and we showed some great listening skills. We helped her by doing some noises and actions.

We’ve had our first ‘Physical Friday’ using the bikes, scooters and little cars. We did really well at sharing and taking turns.

Peaches  group from Morning Nursery and the Afternoon Nursery children had their first trip to our school library for story time. They loved sitting on the comfy seats and cushions there. The morning Pears group are looking forward to their turn next week.

Next week our rhyme of the week is ‘Tommy Thumb’.

In Phonics we will be using our listening skills.

Friday 16 September 2016

Welcome to Nursery!

Welcome to Nursery and thank you for reading our blog. Every week we will post details of what we have been learning in Nursery, and what the children will be learning the following week. We will let you know about events coming up and post reminders. You are welcome to share the posts with your children and please comment on things that the children have found enjoyable that week in Nursery.

We have had a fantastic week in Nursery getting to know the children and it has been lovely to see how they have been enjoying the different areas and settling in to their new environment.

The children have enjoyed exploring the different areas both inside and outside. Morning Nursery have produced some lovely paintings, exploring what happens when they mix colours. The children have really enjoyed playing outside on the apparatus, ‘trip-trapping’ over the bridge. They have used their problem solving skills in the water tray, trying to fix different sized pipes together so that they would fit. They have learned how to use our Muddy Kitchen area.

The afternoon children have explored the reception side of the playground and loved wearing the suits to go splashing in the puddles today. They have been great musicians playing along to the Disney tunes. The children have all enjoyed playing with the purple sand indoors and now that our cover has arrived for the new sandpit outside, the children will get the chance to play in it next week.

Our favourite comment of the week; ‘This pre-school is amazing.’

The children are looking forward to wearing their new P.E. kits next week. Please remember to bring them in on Monday.

We are going to start our Brilliant Books topic by reading Each Peach Pear Plum and Kathryn Holt is coming in to do some story telling.

Our rhyme of the week next week will be ‘Jack and Jill.’

There is a 'New to...' meeting on Tuesday 20th September and for Nursery this starts at 8pm. Please come and found out a bit more about Nursery and to meet the Early Years Foundation Stage team.