Saturday 22 April 2017

Out and About

The children have settled back well after Easter and we have been excited about getting some new friends join us in the afternoon.

It was lovely to see so many great entries for the Easter Challenge Cress Heads. Well done George in Morning Nursery and Teddy in Afternoon Nursery, our Nursery winners.

The children had a great day for the Fun Run Sporty day. They enjoyed having a go on the obstacle course which had been set up on the playground for them. The morning children had a go at a running race on the field too. The afternoon children ran around the playground in laps as the Juniors were on the field, and they loved it.

All children have had some time on the activity playground this week and have shown confidence in climbing and balancing on it.

In Phonics we had a go at listening to sounds in the outside area. It was lovely to be in the sunshine and we identified lots of different sounds we could hear.

We practised the rhyme Hickety Pickety My Red Hen every day and the children got really good at singing it and getting the rhythm.

Treetops shared a book about growing a sunflower and as a result have planted their own seeds to see if they can get them to grow. We’ll be watching them on our Discovery table.

Next week we will be reading ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.’

Our sound of the week is ‘f’.
Our Nusery Trip is on Wednesday 17th May. We will be needing lots of helpers, so if you are able to help please let us know by signing up on the sheet outside Nursery or sending us an email.