Friday 29 January 2016


This week we have been learning about families. Thank you for sharing your photographs with us. The children have loved guessing who the baby photos belong to and have thought carefully about how they have changed since they were babies. We have also retold the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have a Three Bears Cottage in our house outside and on our Small World to help us retell the story.

Next week we will be learning about Chinese New Year. If you have any objects or photographs you could share with us we would love to see them. We will be reading the story 'Room On The Broom' by Julia Donaldson. You may like to read this at home together. We will be learning to use positional language. You could practise this at home too!

The sound of the week will be 'e.'

The rhyme of the week will be '5 Little Monkeys.'

Friday 22 January 2016


This week we have continued with our hospital theme and found out about paramedics. We have also had visits from midwives to find out how they look after newborn babies.

We looked at the work of Stephen Wiltshire and created our own observational drawings of ambulances. We used handwriting pens and talked about the shapes we could see. We also talked about the shapes of the boxes we used to create ambulances.

Next week we will be thinking about babies and families. Our story of the week will be Goldilocks and the Three Bears so you might like to read that at home. We would love to see photos of the children with their family to share with their group too. We will also be thinking about how the children have changed. It would be great if they could share a photo of themselves as a baby or an object they had as a baby.

The sound of the week will be 'ck'.

The rhyme of the week will be 'Miss Polly Had a Dolly.'

Friday 15 January 2016


This week we have been learning about hospitals. The children have been using their imagination and taking on roles in our hospital role play. We have also looked in non-fiction books to find out more.

We talked about staying safe this week and the children talked about what to do if they got lost. You might like to talk to your child about what to do if this were to happen when they are out and about.

Next week we will be thinking more about hospitals and paramedics. The children will be creating emergency vehicles so we would be grateful for donations for our junk modelling box. The children will also be looking at the artist Stephen Wiltshire. You might like to do some observational drawings at home. Don't forget to use a 'birdy beak' pencil grip.

We are going to the Forest School on Wednesday so please remember your child's wellies as well as hats, gloves and scarves.

The sound of the week will be 'k.'

The rhyme of the week will be 'Doctor Foster.'

Thursday 14 January 2016

Welcome to our new blog!

Welcome to our new blog. We are looking forward to sharing our learning with you.