Sunday 23 October 2016


All the children really loved our focus on Russia for Cultural Week. In P.E. we listened to 'Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy' and responded in our own way to the music. Some of us had very gentle arms and careful tip-toes.
For special snack we had beetroot and we were very proud of the way nearly all of the children were prepared to taste it.
The children worked really hard to create their models of Saint Basil's Cathedral, learning how to use the tape dispenser and glue spreaders to fix pieces together.  Lydia recognised the picture of Saint Basil's Cathedral and told us that it is found in Red Square. She had picked up this knowledge from an episode of 'Go Jetters' so we all watched it to find out more about Russia.
We saw some fantastic work in Maths too with the children ordering the Russian dolls according to size and stacking them in and out of each other.
We all went over to the 'Treetops' classroom and used the djembe drums to play along to the Russian song 'Kalinka'. The children enjoyed playing fast and slow according to the music. We loved some of the attempts at Cossack dancing we saw during Learning Through Play.
On Thursday morning the children experienced their first fire drill and the morning Nursery coped really well, walking calmly and sensibly to the playground and then back.
After half term the sound of the week will be 's'. The number of the week is '4'. The rhyme of the week is 'Old Mother Hubbard.'
We hope you all have a lovely half term.

Tuesday 18 October 2016


We have had another busy week in Nursery.
In P.E. we got the big parachute out and had fun pretending it was a Merry-Go-Round. We moved around the circle in different ways. We also had to run under the parachute and swap places with someone who had the same colour t-shirt.
We decorated biscuits for the Three Bears for our Maths activity. We had to do careful counting of the sultanas to put on our biscuits by saying the number names in order and touching each one as we said the number name. Sophia had 11 raisins on her biscuit so the group decided it must be for Daddy Bear!
The morning children loved seeing the Year 2 assembly on Friday morning. They sat and listened brilliantly.
The afternoon children had Miles' brother from Year 2 come and read them a story he had written about Kipper complete with illustrations. They loved it!
We all had the balls out in Learning through Play to practice our catching, throwing and kicking skills.
We talked about keeping safe on the Internet and liked seeing some photos of us on the website.
We were very good at rolling and squeezing the Playdough. Some of us managed to make thumb pots. Mary-Jane kindly brought in a Peppa Pig Playdough set for us to use which lots of us have enjoyed playing.

Next week is cultural week and we will be learning about Russia.

Our rhyme of the week will be Pat-a-Cake.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Harvest and Woodlands

The children did a lovely performance of 'Oats and Beans' in their assemblies this week. They remembered the words and the actions to the song.

The children loved their first Woodlands visit and found lots of signs of Autumn. They made some lovely Autumn crowns using the different objects they had found. On their walk the children found apples growing on one of our trees and blackberries. They especially enjoyed hugging the beautiful crocheted trees!

Afternoon Nursery sat in the story telling chair outside and took turns to make up stories for each other.

The children have really enjoyed listening to the story 'The Scarecrow's Wedding' this week and by the end of the week were able to join in with the different parts.

We have a new rail outside for the children to hang up their Woodlands suits so they can stay at school every day if you wish. Please make sure they are named so they do not get muddled up.

Next week we are going to be reading the story 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears.'

Our rhyme of the week is 'Little Bo Peep.'

Sunday 2 October 2016

Mark making

Nursery have had a fun week.

In P.E. we all enjoyed shaking our beanbags to the 'Beanbag Rock' song and finding different parts of our bodies to balance them on. We have been using our listening skills when moving around the hall and practising stopping when we hear the tambourine.

We have been using our mark making skills this week by drawing pictures of our families. We also looked carefully at ourselves to draw our self portraits.

We were lucky to have Nick Schon, the illustrator of the Biff and Chip books, to visit us in Nursery. Morning Nursery made up a story  about Kipper falling off a building, going down a water slide and then landing on a cat. Afternoon Nursery got Kipper to meet a family of dinosaurs and make friends with the baby one. It was a lot of fun.

The children all loved going on the climbing wall and in the new tunnel when it was finally opened at the end of the week. Many were challenging themselves and taking risks on the equipment.

Next week our rhyme of the week is 'Baby Bunting'. We will be reading 'The Scarecrow's Wedding.' to link in with Harvest.