Friday 29 April 2016

Redbourn - Our World

This week we have been learning about Redbourn, our homes and the village.

We have drawn pictures of our homes and written about them. We have shared what our homes are like with our friends and we have enjoyed hearing all about what the children's bedrooms are like.

Our village walk to the Post Office went very well. Thank you to all those adults who helped. We really appreciate it.

We were very excited this week as we were able to go and look at the Living Eggs in the Learning Pod between the reception classes.  We made predictions on when we thought the first egg would hatch and some of us were lucky to be there as an egg hatched. Lots of the children were keen to hold the chicks which we are hoping to do next week.

Please take a look at our Nursery Newsletter and Home Learning Ideas which you should have received this week. If the children do a piece of Home Learning please bring it in or provide a photograph as we would love to include these in their Learning Journeys.

Work shadowing begins the week beginning 9th May. Sign up sheets are now available outside Nursery if you would like to come and see what your child gets up to during their Nursery session.

Next week we will be learning about trains, cars and planes and thinking about other parts of the country and the world the children have visited. If your child would like to bring in a photograph of somewhere else they have been we would love them to share it with us and the rest of their group.

In Maths we will be comparing numbers of objects such as wheels on different vehicles and talking about when they are the same or more or less.

In Phonics we will be revisiting sounds that have already been introduced and starting to listen carefully to sounds in words by segmenting and blending.

Our song of the week is In and Out the Dusty Bluebells.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Welcome back

Welcome back to Nursery and we hope you all had a lovely Easter break.

This week we have begun thinking about our new topic 'Wonders of the World' by reading the Creation Story and thinking about all the wonders in our world. The children have been drawing pictures and attempting to write about them, as well as making their own worlds by painting and using collage.

The children are enjoying using the new Post Office role play. We're sure many of you have been receiving lots of letters this week. It has been lovely seeing the children so excited about their mark making. We are going on a Village Walk next Thursday 28th April and hoping to include a visit to the Post Office. If you are able to help please let a member of the team know. Thank you to those who have already offered to help.

Our outdoor area is developing and we have now got our den making area up and running. The children are experimenting with building and creating their own dens.

We have also moved some of the groups around to encourage the children to mix with other peers and to get them used to different staff members. We hope the children have enjoyed changing groups, but if you have any concerns please speak to one of the team.

Next week we will be learning about Redbourn and the children will be encouraged to talk about what they already know about Redbourn, their house, street and family. We will also be asking them to think of questions about what they would like to find out about Redbourn - who, what, when, how.

Our sound of the week this week was 'l'. Next week it is 'ss'.

Our rhyme of the week is 'Hey Diddle Diddle.'