Saturday 20 May 2017


What a week!. We have had a very busy week in Nursery. In P.E. we carried on practising our Teddy Bear's Picnic May Dance. The children are following really well, so hopefully our performance for you next week will make you proud.

Theo and Ola's favourite part of the week this week was taking photographs of the Teddy Bears. The children did well trying to get the Teddy Bear's face in the picture and pushing down hard on the button. We are hoping to use them for our David Hockney work next week.

We were very impressed with the children's drawing and painting skills this week. We challenged the children to draw and then paint with watercolours some Winnie-the Pooh characters. Nehan looked really carefully at Winnie-the-Pooh to draw the shapes and Lydia added Eeyore's bow for detail on her picture.

The children had a great time at Aldenham Country Park, despite the wet weather. They enjoyed finding the Winnie-the-Pooh characters' houses and running through the buttercups in 100 Aker Wood. We saw lots of animals at the farm including cows, rabbits, guinea pigs, sheep, donkeys and horses. We all had a photo taken on the tractor. At lunchtime Winnie-the-Pooh came to see us and some of us enjoyed giving him a big hug. We all enjoyed jumping in the muddy puddles and running throught the mud. Thank you to all the parents who helped and braved the wet weather.

On Friday we made sandwiches for our picnic. We could put jam or honey in and then cut the sandwiches into different shapes. The weather wasn't on our side so we used Treetops and had an indoor picnic with the bears.

Next week our sound of the week is 'v' and we will be learning some rhymes about bears.

Afternoon Nursery will be performing the May Dance at the Community Tea on Thursday afternoon.
Morning Nursery will be performing at the May King and Queen Celebrations on Friday morning.
If your child is in Treetops on a Thursday afternoon, they will also be performing at the Community Tea.

Sunday 14 May 2017


We have had an exciting week this week showing some of our grown-ups how we learn in Nursery. We hope that work shadowing was a valuable experience for you if you were able to take part. We were pleased to see all the grown-ups joining in with singing, playing and dancing with their children.

This week we read the story 'Winnie-the-Pooh and the Troublesome Bees.' We followed Pooh through the story and were introduced to the other characters in the books. We used this to help us with our Maths learning. We counted the bees carefully and separated them in different ways.

We followed a map of the outdoor area to find 'Winnie-the-Pooh.' The children were able to use lots of position language and could talk about where to go in the outside area.

We looked at a map of 100 Acre Wood in preparation for our trip to Aldenham Country Park next week. The children were able to spot the different characters we had seen in our Winnie-the-Pooh story.

Next week we will be continuing to read about Winnie-the-Pooh and our trip to Aldenham Country Park is on Wednesday next week. We will be painting characters from the Winnie-the-Pooh stories and making our own picnics.

Our sound of the week is 'j' and we will be reading the rhyme 'Happiness' by A. A. Milne.

Sunday 7 May 2017

We're Going on a Bear Hunt ...again

The children have continued to enjoy 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' and this week we went on a Bear Hunt, repeating the phrases and words from the story in the outdoor area. The children could remember the words and enjoyed the repeated phrases as they walked through the swishy swashy grass. Their favourite part was running away from the bear back through the different settings.

We also explored the woodwork area outside and learnt how to use the tools carefully and safely.

The children were very excited to have a look at the chicks in the classroom. We got them out and let them run on the carpet and some of us were brave enough to hold them.

The children enjoyed singing the song 'There were 10 in the bed' during our maths sessions. The children drew 10 teddies on their whiteboards and rubbed one out every time one fell out of bed.

Next week we be finding out about Winnie-the-Pooh and reading maps.

Our sound of the week is 'l' and we will be learning a song about Winnie-the-Pooh.

Monday 1 May 2017

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

This week we have enjoyed reading the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' and joining in with the repetitive phrases. Joy and Jasmine used some lovely expression when joining in. The children had a go at drawing and writing about their favourite parts in the story.

In Maths we thought about positional language and went on our own hunt in the playground, under the tunnel, over the bridge and next to the sandpit.

In P.E. we started practising for our May Dance. The children listened to two different types of music and responded very well to the different speeds. The children have obviously been practising their skipping.

The children have really enjoyed looking at the chicks this week and have been counting how many they can see. We are hoping that they might be able to visit us in Nursery next week.

The children have been getting used to their new groups and have been painting their own Bears and Bees. They have looked very carefully at the pictures and colours.

Next week we will be continuing to read 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' and will be using the woodwork area outside.

Our sound of the week is 'l'.

We will be putting out the sign up sheets for work shadowing which is taking place from 9th to 12th May. This is when you can join your child in Nursery and shadow everything they do; from sitting on the carpet, joining in with singing and taking part in learning through play.