Sunday 18 December 2016


We have had a lovely couple of weeks in Nursery. We were very proud of how the children performed in their Sharing Assembly. They all spoke so confidently and sang the songs beautifully. We hope that you enjoyed it.
Morning Nursery have been lucky enough to go into the staff room to have some Christmas stories read to them. One of the stories was read by Mrs McCormick. While we were in the staff room this week we had a very special visitor. Father Christmas came to see us, The children were very excited and sang their Father Christmas song to him.
Afternoon Nursery were lucky to have him come and visit in the Nursery. The children loved seeing him.
Treetops Club got to have a special Christmas lunch in Treetops. They listened to Christmas songs and wore the party hats they had made.
All the children have been loving the snow in the water tray and both Morning and Afternoon Nursery have been building towers and structures from 3D shapes.
We had a Maths problem solving week this week and the children had to find different objects to fill the different sized bags. We talked about which bags were the biggest and which they thought would hold more. We found out that it depended on the size of the object we put in the bags.  We have also been practising our positional language, moving Santa and his reindeer into different places in the house.
If you have not yet applied for a Reception place, please get your applications in. The deadline is 15th January.
We are finding that our coat hooks are getting rather full as some children have backpacks on their pegs. If your child does need to have a bag for spare clothes, please can you put the items in a drawstring bag which takes up less room and allows coats to fit on the pegs properly. 
We are looking forward to the Christmas party on Monday. Please send your child in school uniform as they have made hats to wear. Please remember term finishes on Tuesday, and Afternoon Nursery and the children who attend Treetops Club need to be picked up at 1.30.
Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Sunday 4 December 2016

Christmas Sharing

Christmas started in Nursery this week with the beginning of advent and starting to practise for our sharing assembly. We have been reading the Nativity story and some of the children were very surprised that Mary and Joseph couldn't go in a car to Bethlehem and stay in a hotel!!

In P.E. we danced to 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' using the scarves to make big movements with our arms.

We have been very busy learning all the songs for our assembly and deciding what parts we want to do.

We have been thinking about what we would like for Christmas and started writing our own Christmas lists.

We all got to choose a decoration to hang on the Christmas tree in the hall today which was really special. It looked really beautiful with the lights on it too.

We've been fascinated by the ice outside this week. Some of us thought it was glass so we put water in the freezer to see what happens to it. We've learned that it smashes like glass if we throw it on the ground.

Please remember on Wednesday 7th December it is the Nursery Sharing Assembly.

Our sound of the week next week is 'n'.