Sunday 29 January 2017


This week we have been looking at different colours and have had a go at mixing colours. Henry noticed that the tail of a Peacock looks like a Kaleidoscope so we tried to make our own Peacock feathers. We coloured patterns using red, blue and yellow onto a coffee filter and then watched what happened when they went in the water. We enjoyed watching the colours spread and were amazed when purple and green colours appeared too. Even the water changed colour!!
We visited St. Luke's sensory room and enjoyed looking at the different pictures change on the walls when we moved the sticks over the lights. There were textured spots which felt funny on our feet when we walked on them. Some of the pictures on the floor changed when we touched them, showing different patterns.
In Maths we wanted to find out what everyone's favourite colour was. We used the unifix cubes and built towers of different colours. Blue seemed to be Nursery's favourite colour.
Some of the children in Treetops made their own sensory bottles using oil, water and food colouring. They added sequins and beads and found out whether they floated or sunk.
Next week our sound of the week is 'o'.
We are going to be finding out about Chinese New Year.

Sunday 22 January 2017


This week the children have been learning about snowflakes.
In Maths we counted the points on a snowflake and found that all of them had 6 points. We also found out that no two snowflakes are the same. The children have been getting the idea of repeating patterns making them with the bead strings and pegs and drawing them with coloured pens.
This week we did an experiment to try and make snow. The children loved seeing what would happen when we mixed the bicarbonate of soda and the shaving foam to make snow and described how it looked -'like marshmallow and jelly' and felt - 'sticky and squidgy'.
We used our fine motor skills to thread some snowflake shapes.
Morning Nursery went to Celebration Assembly and sat and listened really well. Mrs Byrne came to read a story to morning Nursery  as Adam asked her to come.
We've had a lot of fun learning about snow, singing the snowflake song, painting and printing snowflakes and cutting them out. We were also very interested in a non-fiction book about snow. Afternoon Nursery liked finding about animals camouflaged by the snow.
Next week we are going to be learning about colour and pattern. On Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning we are going to St. Luke's sensory room. If anyone can help on this trip please let a member of staff know if you haven't already done so.
Next week our sound of the week is 'g'.
We will be learning a song about a Peacock.

Sunday 15 January 2017


Welcome back and Happy New Year. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break.

The children have had a settled week in Nursery in their new groups, Zig-Zags and Swirls and have come up with lots of ideas on what they want to learn about our new topic Kaleidoscope.

This week we have been drawing and writing about our Christmas Holidays and drawing self-portraits. We have been very impressed with how the children's pencil grips have improved.

The children have been fascinated by the torches and reflective objects, making rainbows in the glass balls. They were surprised by the coloured water in the water tray (we made it orange) and have been singing 'I can sing a rainbow' while they play.

We read 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear' and 'Polar Bear, Polar Bear' this week and the children did really well in making up their own version of the stories.  Some of our children have taken turns in helping to read the story to the group.

There was great excitement about the snow and the afternoon children managed to play with the little bit that was left on Friday.

They were very good at our 'guessing the word' game in Phonics, where they had to guess the word we were sounding out to them. They also did well at saying which colour should come next in our patterns and are keen to have a go at making their own now.

Next week we will be learning about 'Snowflakes'.

Our rhyme of the week is Little Snowflake (sung to the tune Frere Jacques) and our sound of the week is 'd'.