Saturday 11 March 2017

Animal Patterns

We have had a lovely week learning all about different animals and their patterns.

The children had a go at predicting which animals would be inside the boxes from the patterns on the front. Quite a lot of the children were unsure what wild animals would feel like. They talked about whether a tortoise shell would be hard or soft and how a snake's skin would feel. They are beginning to get the idea of camouflage.

The chn have enjoyed the chameleon themed stories this week and have had a go at predicting what they think might happen at the end of the stories. We had fun trying to make our own mixed up animals, like in the Mixed Up Chameleon story.

 We listened to  'Elephant' by Saint Saens and there were some really good ideas about which animal it could be about. Some suggestions were; a whale, because it sounds quite big and scary, a tiger roaring and an octopus in deep water.  The chn had a go at making their own music about animals and thought carefully about which instrument to choose.

At Woodlands we collected leaves and other natural materials to make snake patterns along the ground. We thought hard about which objects could be used for the different parts. We also had a go at making spider web patterns between the trees using wool. We enjoyed winding the wool around the branches and joining it to other branches to make different patterns.

We have had a lovely time playing outside in the milder weather. The chn have made some great dens and have got out of breath running up and down the hill and climbing up the climbing wall. The Vet role play has proved very popular too with lots of people bringing their sick animals to be treated.

Next week our sound of the week is 'r'.

Our song of the week is 'I can sing a Rainbow'.

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