Sunday 15 January 2017


Welcome back and Happy New Year. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break.

The children have had a settled week in Nursery in their new groups, Zig-Zags and Swirls and have come up with lots of ideas on what they want to learn about our new topic Kaleidoscope.

This week we have been drawing and writing about our Christmas Holidays and drawing self-portraits. We have been very impressed with how the children's pencil grips have improved.

The children have been fascinated by the torches and reflective objects, making rainbows in the glass balls. They were surprised by the coloured water in the water tray (we made it orange) and have been singing 'I can sing a rainbow' while they play.

We read 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear' and 'Polar Bear, Polar Bear' this week and the children did really well in making up their own version of the stories.  Some of our children have taken turns in helping to read the story to the group.

There was great excitement about the snow and the afternoon children managed to play with the little bit that was left on Friday.

They were very good at our 'guessing the word' game in Phonics, where they had to guess the word we were sounding out to them. They also did well at saying which colour should come next in our patterns and are keen to have a go at making their own now.

Next week we will be learning about 'Snowflakes'.

Our rhyme of the week is Little Snowflake (sung to the tune Frere Jacques) and our sound of the week is 'd'.


  1. Olly really enjoyed the book Polar Bear, Polar Bear and playing in the snow last week!

  2. Miles liked doing a snowflake painting!
